Class Schedule

His Grace CPR & First Aid Training

13112 Hadley St. Suite 103

Whittier, Ca. 90601


To begin the registration process, see pricing or course details select a class from the calendar below.

  Cards issued same day

There is no need to pay online just to reserve your seat.


Classes available in Spanish 


(2 Year AHA Certification) – Same Day Certification Card

Recommended for any healthcare professional and medical personnel who may respond to cardiovascular emergencies.

The ACLS Class covers:

  • Recognition and early management of respiratory and cardiac arrest
  • Airway Management
  • ACLS Pharmacology
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) review
  • Management of acute coronary syndromes and stroke
  • How to be both a leader and a team member in a resuscitation team


A textbook is required for this course. Please add the textbook below if you do not have access to one before, during, and after the class.


CE‘s available for Board of Nursing


ACLS Pre-Test

Available @


Register below - no need to pay online just to reserve your seat.


BLS renewal can be added on to your class in the section below (Add BLS - no online portion required). This allows you to receive both cards on the same day while completing the additional material at the end of your ACLS class, including the BLS written test and BLS skills testing. In order to qualify for this option, you must be able to show a current BLS provider card.

(2 Year AHA Certification)  – Same Day Certification Card

Recommended for any healthcare professionals and medical personnel who may respond to pediatric emergencies.

The PALS Class covers:

  • The systematic approach to Pediatric Assessment
  • Management of pediatric respiratory emergencies
  • Vascular access (Including intraosseous training)
  • Airway Management
  • PALS Pharmacology
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) review
  • Numerous pediatric case studies and simulations
  • How to be both a leader and a team member in a pediatric resuscitation team


A textbook is required for this course. Please add the textbook below if you do not have access to one before, during, and after the class.


CE‘s available for Board of Nursing


PALS Pre-test

Available @


 Register below - no need to pay online just to reserve your seat.


BLS renewal can be added on to your class in the section below (Add BLS no online portion required). This allows you to receive both cards on the same day while completing the additional material at the end of your PALS class, including the BLS written test and BLS skills testing. In order to qualify for this option, you must be able to show a current BLS provider card.

(2 Year AHA Certification) – Same Day Certification Card

Recommended for: MDs, RNs, EMTs, Dentists, Pharmacists, and Medical Personnel


  • Adult, Child, and Infant CPR
  • Conscious and Unconscious Choking for victims of all ages
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use and special considerations
  • Breathing Barriers, Bag Valve Masks, and 2 Rescuer CPR
  • Cardiopulmonary Emergencies and Special Resuscitation Situations


This a 2.5 hrs in class course, no online required.


Register below - no need to pay online just to reserve your seat.


A textbook is required for this course. Please add the textbook below if you do not have access to one before, during, and after the class - May bring your own or could be purchased on day of course for an additional fee of $15.  

(2 Year AHA Certification) – Same Day Certification Card

This class meets the requirements for the CPR and First Aid portion of California Title 22 and EMSA for Child Care Providers.

Recommended for: Preschools, Daycare, Child Care Workers, Parents, School Bus drivers and Babysitters.

The First Aid and CPR Class covers:

  • Adult, Child, and Infant CPR
  • How to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) & special considerations
  • Unconscious and Conscious Choking for victims of all ages 
  • Asthma and Anaphylaxis
  • Basic First Aid 

**This class is NOT for Healthcare Providers (Please take our BLS course if you are in healthcare)


 We offer 2- courses - 

Heart Saver CPR & FA (Adult/ Child/ Infant)


Heart Saver CPR & FA Pediatric emphasis (Adult/ Child/ Infant)


Register below - no need to pay online just to reserve your seat for the in classroom course for CPR and First-Aid. 



(2 Year AHA Certification) – Same Day Certification Card

Recommended for any healthcare professional and medical personnel who may respond to cardiovascular emergencies.

The ACLS Class covers:

  • Recognition and early management of respiratory and cardiac arrest
  • Airway Management
  • ACLS Pharmacology
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) review
  • Management of acute coronary syndromes and stroke
  • How to be both a leader and a team member in a resuscitation team


Free pretest - please select link below



Register below - no need to pay online just to reserve your seat. 

Only sign up for this 45min class if you have already completed the BLS Online Part 1, or plan to complete it before coming for skills testing.


BLS Online Part 1 can be purchased for $36.00 by going to 

Upon completion of the course print / take a picture of the certifcate (bring to class)


(2 Year AHA Certification) – Same Day Certification Card

Recommended for: MDs, RNs, EMTs, Dentists, Pharmacists, and Medical Personnel


  • Adult, Child, and Infant CPR
  • Conscious and Unconscious Choking for victims of all ages
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use and special considerations
  • Breathing Barriers, Bag Valve Masks, and 2 Rescuer CPR
  • Cardiopulmonary Emergencies and Special Resuscitation Situations


The BLS online certification course includes two parts:

  • Part 1 – ($36.00) A self-paced series of online training modules (3o min – 2 hours based on prior knowlegde)
  • Part 2 – ($40) Skills practice and test at our facility (45 minutes)

BLS online utilizes simulation technology and scenario-based learning that is self-directed on your computer. The course also covers all of the same material as a traditional classroom-based BLS class and includes the complete BLS textbook online.


Register below - no need to pay online just to reserve your seat for the 45min skill testing / demonstration for Adult/Child/Infant CPR, AED & Choking. 

This course is intended for Non-healthcare provider, lay rescuer, teacher, baby sitter. It is a comprehensive response to basic cpr, AED and first aid techniques that include medical, injury and environmental emergencies. 


ONLINE required for this course (see links below) Complete the one applicable to you.


 (Online - substitutes in class component)


Heart Saver CPR & FA (Adult/ Child/ Infant)


Heart Saver CPR & FA Pediatric emphasis (Adult/ Child/ Infant) Generally required for day care workers or when taking care of school age children

Upon completion of the online course print / screen shot the certificate bring to class when you schedule part-2 skills session (aporox.45min). No book required for this course. 

Register below - no need to pay online just to reserve your seat for the skills hands on CPR and First-Aid return demonstration. 


(2 Year AHA Certification) – Same Day Certification Card

This class meets the requirements for the CPR and First Aid portion of California Title 22 and EMSA for Child Care Providers.

Recommended for: Preschools, Daycare, Child Care Workers, Parents, School Bus drivers and Babysitters.

The Pediatric First Aid and CPR Class covers:

  • Adult, Child, and Infant CPR
  • How to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) & special considerations
  • Unconscious and Conscious Choking for victims of all ages
  • Pediatric Asthma and Anaphylaxis
  • Basic First Aid (with a focus on some of the most common pediatric emergencies)

**This class is NOT for Healthcare Providers (Please take our BLS course if you are in healthcare)

(2 Year AHA Certification)  – Same Day Certification Card

Recommended for any healthcare professionals and medical personnel who may respond to pediatric emergencies.

The PALS Class covers:

  • The systematic approach to Pediatric Assessment
  • Management of pediatric respiratory emergencies
  • Vascular access (Including intraosseous training)
  • Airway Management
  • PALS Pharmacology
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) review
  • Numerous pediatric case studies and simulations
  • How to be both a leader and a team member in a pediatric resuscitation team


Free pretest - select the link below



 Register below - no need to pay online just to reserve your seat.

(2 Year AHA Certification) – Same Day Certification Card

This class meets the requirements for the CPR and First Aid portion of California Title 22 and EMSA for Child Care Providers.

Recommended for: Preschools, Daycare, Child Care Workers, Parents, School Bus drivers and Babysitters.

The Pediatric First Aid and CPR Class covers:

  • Adult, Child, and Infant CPR
  • How to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) & special considerations
  • Unconscious and Conscious Choking for victims of all ages
  • Pediatric Asthma and Anaphylaxis
  • Basic First Aid (with a focus on some of the most common pediatric emergencies)

**This class is NOT for Healthcare Providers (Please take our BLS course if you are in healthcare)


ONLINE required for this course (see links below) Complete the one applicable to you.


 (Completing Online - substitutes in class component - Skill demo is required to obtain certifcation)


Heart Saver Pediatric CPR & FA (Adult/ Child/ Infant)


Heart Saver CPR & FA Pediatric emphasis (Adult/ Child/ Infant)

Upon completion of the online course print / screen shot the certificate bring to class when you schedule part-2 skills session (aporox.30min). No book required for this course. 

Register below - no need to pay online just to reserve your seat for the skills hands on CPR and First-Aid return demonstration.